Tuesday, August 01, 2006

dirty is right

because brazen hussy always has good survey things on her blog.

i feel this is especially appropriate seeing as i had my first drunken night back in nyc with silk stockings and fluffy ruffles. it was fun, but i have no idea why i thought one slice of pizza could provide enough of a buffer for the 7 beers and other drinks that happened our way.

You Are a Dirty Martini

You are a sexy, sometimes belligerent, over the top drunk.
You tend to get in a lot of trouble. When you drink, there are no rules.

You should never: Drink in the company of strangers. Seriously.

Your ideal party: Is so good you black out in the middle of it.

Your drinking soulmates: Those with a Margarita Martini personality.

Your drinking rivals: Those with an Orange Martini personality


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