Saturday, March 25, 2006

saturday south dakota blog

thanks so much rachel for sending me this article on some of the sioux response to south dakota's infuriating law against women.

i applaud ms. cecilia fire thunder, who stated she would set up a planned parenthood clinic on her reservation that would be out of state juristiction.

just for fun, let's look at some of south dakota's state symbols!

some personal favorites:
their state insect is the honey bee - i've never heard of a state having a representative insect.

the coyote is their state mammal (their wording is "animal", but they already have a bird, fish, and insect) - apparently predatory animals are highly valued in good ol' south dakota. shocking.

the state fossil is the triceratops - surely though most think it an evil giant landbeast that god banished to extinction about 6,000 years ago.

and the state sport is rodeo - mommas, don't let your babies grow up to be assholes.


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