Sunday, August 27, 2006

it must be sunday

i swear this is the sunday-ist sunday ever. it's extremely cold (well for august), drizzly, and grey outside which perfectly matches my mood. it's well past noon and i am still drinking coffee in my pj's, i put a really good novel to bed this morning, and i've been listening to regina skektor and ani difranco on shuffle. as i said before, i'm feeling a lot like sunday. but it is also kinda satisfying to my morbid hermitish self.

Epipremnum aureum or Plantus hardtokillicus

aside from finishing still life with woodpecker by tom robbins (a must read especially for those with red hair) my biggest accomplishment of the weekend was buying a pothos plant. my mom and a friend kept telling me how easy they are to take care of while i was back home and i became inspired by the words "virtually indestructable". apparently these babies don't need a ton of light and like to be watered just enough to keep the soil damp. my translation of these instructions is that they thrive on care that is just a step above neglect. i like plants but have never been able to keep them alive. several outdoor ivy plants, peppers, tomatoes, and a small indoor tree have all been murdered by my ineptitude at taking care of anything that doesn't have fur and ask directly for food and water. we'll see how it goes. pruning my devil's ivy leaves at least gives me something to do to keep my mind off of preparing for the semester.


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