Monday, January 23, 2006

the gauntlet

so began part two of what i expect to be the crappiest academic year of my life.

things seemed alright this morning when i woke up not feeling like vomiting from the previously mentioned emotional trauma. not that i am better in that respect by any means...but it didn't cripple me today. i did bum around trying to get paperwork in order for my meeting with my advisor, but otherwise wasted away the majority of the morning. went to the museum for lunch with the furor and a postdoc which was alright. the weather was aweful and everyone's spirits were a bit subdued to match.

a mixture of cautius relief and aggravation came over me when i talked to my advisor about my anatomy grade. apparently my grade is still being worked out (i gave my presentation over a month ago) and e. has the impression the other grad students and i should be ok as far as getting passing grades. apparently in the discussion e. had with the anatomy instructor a blunder i made in my presentation came up, which i can only imagine was followed or preceeded by said anatomy instructor ranting about how stupid he thinks i am. e. was very nice though and assured me he had to think about the same question i was attacked with for a while. whatever. it's done and i will never have to take anatomy again. ugh.

went to genetics and began to panic about learning everything i need to know about dna before next week. that was when the location of the class was found. the great thing about this program i am in is that nothing is ever set and there is little notice about anything before it happens. so after wandering around the anthropology building at nyu some students brighter than i found the room and a few other confused students.

i received a phone call from my bank informing me of a strange charge made on my card to romania. awesome. now i have no credit card until they send me a new one with a new number. seriously, what the fuck?

and to make everything super hunky dory i have further evidence that i might have something seriously wrong with my lady parts. or at least some upset in the balance of my hormones. about a week and a half ago my three week period ended....but has raged up again leaving me feeling worried, dehydrated, and a bit down. i finally printed out my health insurance application form, so maybe i can see someone about it in a month.

on the bright side, i joined a gym.


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