Tuesday, December 12, 2006

it was so funny they forgot to laugh

so i thought i was being really, really clever the other day when i was making up my final exam for my precious little students. i thought surely when they read the answer choices for this question at least ONE student will snicker. just a little bit. i was wrong.

so i submit to you, oh friendly blog readers, my favorite test question of all time.

Paleomagnetism is:
a.) a method of dating organic material
b.) a method of dating rocks using changes in the earth's magnetic field
c.) a method of studying paleoclimate
d.) the concept that paleontologists are very attractive

come on .... just a little bit funny?


At 1:37 PM, Blogger Dr. Brazen Hussy said...

Well, I think it's funny. But lemme tell ya, students at that particular school NEVER laugh at the test questions. Little bastards.

At 11:17 PM, Blogger Arbitrista said...

Yeah. I had a test question that asked how to end a filibuster in the Senate. The options were:

1) Cloture
2) Veto
3) A Present
4) A kick in the shins

You don't want to know how many answered 3) or 4).


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